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Montreux Convention (1936) 102 capabilities gap 84, 92, 94; transatlantic
Moscow 26, 50, 75, 127, 128, 129, 137 division of responsibilities 84 6, 87 9,
multipolarity 42, 44, 60, 65, 124, 165, 90 n.20; transformation command
168 73 79; and Ukraine 36, 38 n.6, 47, 55, 58,
Musharraf, Pervez 114 63, 64, 78 9, 80, , 87, 96, 97, 98, 100,
Muslims see Islamists 106 7 n.9, 170, 187, 190; vulnerability
to Russian pressures 190 1 see also
Nagorno-Karabakh 11, 20, 97, 104, 105 Partnership for Peace program
nationalism, and incomplete NATO Defense Planning Questionnaire 98
democratization 16 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. NATO enlargement: and attempts to
see also ethnic nationalism contain Russia 32, 37, 62 4, 66; Baltic
NATO: and Afghanistan 96, 98, 99, states 165, 174; Cold War (1949 91)
100, 175 6, 189, 190; anti-ballistic 91 2; continuing 78 9; framework
missile deployment 61; and Balkans of principles for 73; impact of 72 3;
174; and Baltic States 62, 104; Berlin justification for 32, 73; Membership
Plus arrangements 82; and Britain 82, Action Plan (MAP) 93, 95, 96, 98, 100,
91; beyond Russia 77 87; Bosnia, 102, 107 n.21, 174; post-Cold War
intervention in 44; Cold War policies (1991 2001) 92 3; post-11 September
(1949 91) 91 2; Combined Joint Task 94 6; and Russian containment of
Forces 92; Concept for Defense against NATO 56 62, 66, 187, 188; Russian
Terrorism 99; decision-making process views on 32 4, 36, 44, 45, 46, 55,
82 4; Defense Capabilities Initiative 56, 57 8, 72, 76, 91 110, 170, 187,
92, 94, 98; dialogue, cooperation and 188; and Russia s near abroad 32,
partnership 78 9; and Eastern Europe 43, 47, 50; strengthening of European
200 Index
democracy, impact on Russia NATO Federation energy development and
relations 39 52; Study on NATO trade
enlargement 73, 77, 93, 97, 107 n.14; Onyszkiewicz, Janusz 95
terrorism, fight against 94 6, 115; Operation Active Endeavour 95, 96, 101,
United States Senate debate on 73 4; 102
Western European responses to Russian Operation Althea 95
concerns 64 7 Operation Enduring Freedom 96, 99, 104,
NATO Response Force (NRF) 79, 94, 99 108 n.27
NATO Russia Council (NRC) 55, 58, Operation Iraqi Freedom 99, 104, 108 n.29
75 6, 81, 175 Organization for Democracy and
NATO Russia Founding Act on Mutual Economic Development 189
Relations, Cooperation and Security Organization for Security and Co-
(1997) 32, 58, 75 operation in Europe (OSCE) 39,
NATO Russia Permanent Joint Council 40, 93, 171, 172, 173; and Balkans
(PJC) 58, 75, 76, 98 174; border monitoring, Georgia 49;
NATO Security Investment Program 105 field offices in CIS 48; Office for
NATO Ukraine Commission 98 Democratic Institutions and Human
Naumann, Klauss 82 Rights (ODIHR) 48; and Ukraine 102
Navy League 14 see also Conference on Security and
Nazi Soviet Pact 59 Co-operation in Europe
near abroad 40, 42, 43; anti-ballistic Oslo Accords 128
missile deployment in 61; and Oslon, Aleksandr 33
European Union 32, 37, 43, 47, 50; Ossetia, North 105
and NATO enlargement 32, 43, Ossetia, South 49, 97, 104, 173, 175
47, 50; potential for disagreement
between Russia and Europe 48, 50, Pabriks, Artis 62
170, 173, 176; Russian commitment Pakistan 12, 15, 114, 137
to primacy in 46 8, 165, 187 see also Palestinian Legislative Council 128
Commonwealth of Independent States Pankisi Gorge 104, 114, 115, 120
(CIS); NATO enlargement Paramonov, Vladimir 168
Netherlands 83 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
New Zealand 78 Europe 128
norms: humanitarian and human rights 40; Parmentier, Guillaume 85
liberal 20 Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism
North Atlantic Cooperation Council 93, 97 (PAP T) 99, 100, 105, 108 n.25
North Atlantic Council (NAC) 39, 76, 83, Partnership Cooperation Agreement-
93, 95, 99 Author 171
nuclear junk 121 n.7 Partnership for Peace program 91, 93, 94,
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 113, 96, 97 8, 98 9, 174; and Black Sea
137, 141 regional cooperation 101, 102, 103,
nuclear weapons 112 13, 120; anti- 104, 105, 174; and Operation Enduring
ballistic missile deployment 61, 63, Freedom 99; Individual Partnership
87, 186, 187 8; Anti-ballistic Missile Programs 104, 107 n.13; Participation
Treaty 45; Iran 86, 113, 123, 135 47, in the Planning and Review Process
150, 162, 189, 193 n.33; North Korea (PARP) 98, 99, 103, 107 nn.13, 17, 18;
162; nuclear missiles 87; Soviet Union Partnership Coordination Cell 98, 107
87; Russian Federation 46, 74, 77; n.13; strategic vision for revival 100;
smuggling 112 13, 115 Ukraine in 102, 104
Patten, Chris 117
OIC see Islamic Conference of States peace, democratic 19 21
oil and gas: Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan pipeline peacekeeping 75, 79; Balkans 74, 78, 80,
104, 124; Odessa Brody oil pipeline 84, 87, 93, 94, 96, 175; Lebanon 85;
103; Turkey 104 5, 124 see also Black Partnership Coordination Cell exercises
Sea region; Caspian Basin; Russian 98; Russian forces 175
Index 201
perestroika 44 realism 162, 163
Peru 11 12 Realpolitik 168
Pfluger, Friedbert 64 Rice, Condoleezza 142, 169
PJC. See NATO Russia Permanent Joint Robertson, George 75
Council Robertson, Lord 76
PKK 128, 129, 149 Rød-Larsen, Terje 148
Poland: democratization 12; and Iraq war Rodina party 124
95, 96, 99, 100; and NATO 33, 47, Romania 33, 64, 96, 97, 100, 102, 105,
60, 64, 66, 73, 74, 76, 93, 94, 95; and 107 n.15, 185; Blackseafor 101; and
Partnership for Peace program 98, 107 European Union 105, 117 18; GUAM
n.15; Russia, relations with 58, 59, 103
62, 63, 78, 119; United States missile Rosatom 123 see also Minatom
defense systems 61, 99, 186 7, 188 Rosneft 39
Politkovskaya, Anna 39, 186 Rosner, Jeremy D. 76
power 66; nature of, and incomplete Rosoboronoexport 124
democratization 13 15 Rowhani, Hassan 137, 139, 141
praetorian societies 13 rule of law 2, 11, 15, 16, 17, 51 n.4, 57,
Prague Capabilities Commitment (PCC) 61, 119
99 Rumsfeld, Donald 188
Primakov, Yevgeny 56, 57, 66, 124, 130 Rumyantsev, Alexander 123, 135, 136,
Pushkov, Aleksei 44 138, 139
Putin, Vladimir: autocratic approach Russia Iranian nuclear technology
77, 176, 186, 187; and Baltic states relationship 46
165; Chechen policies 12, 15, 19, 29, Russian Federation: arms and military
77, 125, 140, 148, 149; conscription equipment sales 124, 130, 135, 137,
policy 30; control and consolidation 138, 140, 142, 144, 148, 149, 150,
39, 57, 123 4; and deep seabed 163 4, 165 6, 167, 189; autocracy
mission 189; defense policy 186 7, 164 5, 166 8, 170, 173, 176, 190;
188; and democracy 57, 123, 176; and Black Sea regional cooperation
Duma, support from 124; Eastern 101, 102; containment of, and NATO
Europe, relations with 59; Europe, enlargement 32, 37, 62 4, 66, 92;
relations with 65, 78, 172; economic corruption in 166, 176; decline of
revival under 31, 124, 130, 131, 168; power 42 4; deep state 26, 30, 37
foreign policy 44 50, 57, 123 5, n.1; defense policy 187 8; democratic
186 7; France, relations with 65 6; status 25 6, 39 41, 57, 60 1, 62, 64,
Iran, relations with 136 7, 139 40, 66, 72, 75, 77, 87, 123, 161, 162 3,
141, 142, 144 5, 189; Iraq, relations 164 5, 168, 173, 174, 176, 185 6,
with 129 35; Israel visit 50; NATO 188, 191; demographic decline 26, 43;
enlargement, views on 56, 75; NATO economy 26, 27 8, 29, 30, 31, 37, 39,
relations 75, 75, 76; Poland, relations 41, 42 3, 44, 50, 55, 66, 74 5, 124;
with 59; popularity 27; President of elite in 26, 27 8, 30, 31, 33 5, 37, 166,
Russian Federation 26, 27, 36, 42; 168, 171; and European security 63 4,
Prime Minister of Russian Federation 915, 164, 165 6, 169, 170, 171 2, 176,
37; and rule of law 61, 119; South 186, 187 8, 190; European Union,
African visit 50; Syria, relations with cooperation with 40, 115 19; Eurasian
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