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are sad, or full of anger, bitter, because they do not have near them
the father or the mother, they do not have the love of the parents.
Just imagine a women who presents herself in church, for example,
and says:  I thank you, my God, for these children so good that you
gave me; they are so good, but so good, that from the time that the
father left me, they hate him, and they love only me! Do you know
what this mother did? She killed her children spiritually. Because to
hate is to kill! How many times we poison our children?! You do
not imagine how it makes God sorrowful our upsetting, poisoning
the children against the father or the mother! God does not permit it!
Jesus showed me that I was a frightful assassin, because not only
did I sin when I aborted, but I also financed many abortions. Here is
the power that money gave me! I made myself an accomplice. I used
to say, in fact: the woman has the right to remain pregnant or not! &
I looked at the Book of my life& And how it pained me to see that
which I did years later, when I was by then adult! When we have
poison inside of us, we cannot give to others anything good, and all
those who come to us become ruined. Some girls, three of my
cousins and the fiancée of my cousin, came often to my house.
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Being the one who had money, I invited them, and I spoke to them
about fashion, about  glamour , to how to exhibit their body to be
attractive, and I ladled out counsels. See how I prostituted them! I
prostituted the little ones! This was another horrible sin, after
abortion. I prostituted them, because I gave them these counsels:
 Do not be foolish, girls, do not give heed to your mothers, who
speak to you about chastity and about virginity: it is old fashioned
stuff. They speak about the Bible, which is 2000 years old& And
then, these priests, who do not want to update themselves, they
speak to you about what the Pope says, but the Pope is also out of
fashion . Consider the poison that I transmitted to these girls. I told
them that they could arrange their own body, only they must pay
attention not to get pregnant& And I taught with which method.
The fiancée of my cousin, who was 14 years old, arrived one day to
my outpatient clinic, crying a lot. He said to me:  Gloria, I am a
young girl, I am a young girl, and I am pregnant! I almost shouted
at her: you stupid thing, did I not teach you how to do these
things?! And she replied:  Yes, yes, but it did not work!
Do you know what God wanted from me, in that moment? That I
might have supported that girl so that she might not have fallen into
the abyss, that she might not have aborted. Abortion is a current that
draws one in, that causes suffering, because you will always feel
emptiness, pain, to be the assassin of your child. The worst, for this
girl, was that, instead of speaking to her about Jesus and helping
her, comforting her and supporting her, I gave to her the money to
abort! Certainly, in a secure place, to not be harmed physically&
But it remained spiritually, and for the whole life.
Like this, I financed so many other abortions. But I still had the
courage to say that I did not kill, that I was good, that I was
Catholic, that it was not right, that I could not remain in that horrible
place& !
Moreover, the people who I did not like, I hated and detested them,
and I spoke badly about them. I was a false person, hypocrite, and
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also an assassin: because it is not only with weapons that one kills a
person. To hate, calumniate, to envy, do deride, to do evil, also this
is killing.
To Atone For Our Sins
As I already said, abortion is the gravest sin before the eyes of God.
So many people ask me how to atone for abortion. In fact, we
cannot restore the life to the baby; but in the Catholic Church we
have a blessing so great! The sacrament of Reconciliation. In
confession, God forgives us, and that which the priest looses on
earth, is loosed also in Heaven. Glory to God, for this! Blessed be
the Lord for His Goodness! & The Lord forgives us, but remember
that which Jesus said to the adulterous woman: that she go in peace,
but that she not return to sin!  Go in peace and sin no more .
Another act of reparation is  Baptism of intention . To baptize
babies, as the priest did today, in this celebration, so that they can
come out of Limbo1. See the wisdom of the Catholic Church! These
babies enter into the Glory of God! Now they are little Angels, who
pray and intercede or our salvation. See the beauty of the
 economy of God! See how God transforms all for our good!
Nothing is lost! And when one evangelizes on abortion, and a baby
is saved, also this is atonement! When a woman aborts, beyond
asking pardon of God in confession, and to not abort ever again, she
can also contribute to avoid other abortions, of other women: doing
this, she atones for her sin, enormously! This is reparation!
My Lack of Love of God
My relationship with God was very sad. For me, God was the One
who I sought out only if I had a problem. Many times, when that
During the Eucharistic celebration in which Gloria Polo gave this testimony, the
priest baptized the aborted babies, with the  Baptism of Intention .
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happened, I ran to Him to ask help. Almost always it was an
economic problem! It was a totally economic relationship, that
between me and God! It was a type of  Bank Cash Dispenser ! I put
in prayer and supplication, so that God might send me money! I
wanted that God might love me and give me everything, but really
everything, but on my terms! And that no one might come to tell me
that doing like that I was sinning, because I did not appreciate him!
The devil put to sleep my conscience! Often, when I found myself in
economic difficulty, I would pass before an image of Baby Jesus,
while I was going out of church, and I would touch his little hand
saying to Him:  Listen to me! Give me money, that I have need of!
Like some do with Buddha: they scratch the stomach, telling him to
give them money! That is how I did with Baby Jesus! Imagine my
nerve! What great lack of respect! And the Lord showed me how
much my disaffection and my lack of respect pained Him! How
much sorrow and shame I felt, now! Money did arrive, yes, but
disappeared immediately! It was as if, the more depressed I arrived,
the more depressed I remained without anything! In the end I found
myself in an economic situation always worse.
Things being like this, a lady recounted to me to have gone through
a similar situation, but she went to a protestant pastor that someone
had recommended, and everything got better! As soon as I heard
this, I asked her immediately where he might be, because I wanted
to go there immediately! & Look at my infidelity!
I thus went to that pastor, and he prayed for me laying his hands on
me, and he made me communicate in their manner. Think about it, I
would receive the Body and the Blood of the Lord, in my Catholic
religion. I go there, and they make me do the communion as if it
were the first time!
Their celebrations were very animated: they would jump, applaud&
I said to myself: what a bore those Catholic priests so dull and
disgusting, those Masses so annoying& There is no comparison
with these, that they make us feel so good, so joyous!
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There they do not believe in images, and they say that that of the
images is idolatry. Thus, I no longer knelt down before a Crucifix,
because it was idolatry. When I began to go to these evangelic
churches, I had a neighbor, an old lady very poor, who lived in front
of my house; I helped her by giving the money needed to pay for the
light bill, water bill, and at times I did some shopping for her, so
that she could eat. As you can imagine, this old lady was very
attached to me! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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