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thanks to a court martial. Somehow, Ronald got help and contin-
ued with his career though it stopped once he made a certain
rank doomed to be a junior admiral until he retired.
Donald, on the other hand, relied on others to further his as-
piring political career marrying Pearl, dealing with people he
couldn t stand in order to get financing and influence among other
things. He dabbled in the darker side of sex because he found it to
be the one place where he could be in control or submit depending
on his mood.
He d had his fun at Club Black and White, Mistress Domino
making sure it remained discreet. He didn t blame her or her ladies
at all but with Pearl threatening to ruin him publicly and financial-
ly, he had to do something to save face and Ronald would fix it. He
could fix anything always had, always would.
Donald really didn t want to know what Ronald had in mind,
but he did know one thing with Ronald Peterson, sparks flew.
* * * *
Holly sat up the minute Dominique stirred. She went to the
side of the bed, taking her friend s hand.
Brock! she called, more adamantly this time.
Dominique, it s Holly.
Where s Brock? I want him here!
I know, sweetie, but he s not here.
Holly cringed when she saw the terrified rage in Dominique s
Where am I?
David and Mister Grant brought you here to the Mansion.
Dominique thought for a moment, trying to remember the
events leading up to now Brock s call, the news, David and Tre-
vor getting her away from the press, the threat of assassination&
He s dead, isn t he?
There s been no word yet.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
Dominique broke down in tears, sick between worry and
whatever she d been given to sleep. She ran into the bathroom nau-
seous, Holly yelling for David. He ran into the room looking for
What s wrong?
She s sick and to tell you the truth, I don t think it s an afte-
reffect of the sedative.
She s turned pale you know the color&
She s not&
Yup, she s pregnant.
Shit, the news is great but the timing s bad.
I hope the sedation didn t hurt her.
I ll mention it to Hyun.
Any word?
David lowered his voice.
Possibly but I won t know til I hear from Trevor.
* * * *
David would hear from Trevor but not the news they wanted.
As the helicopter set down on a flat area near where the pilot had
picked up an image on the heat-sensitive imager, Trevor closed his
eyes holding back the tears pushing through.
He bolted from the aircraft as soon as the pilot gave the word,
running toward the body of a man fitting Brock s description.
Once he reached the man, Trevor lifted Brock into his arms, cover-
ing his friend s eyes.
My God, what the hell did they do to you?
Help me, Brock whispered.
Save your strength.
Red& snake& bite.
Doc! We ve got a snake bite on top of everything else! Tre-
vor yelled.
Any idea what kind?
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
He said red snake. In this area, it s probably the red diamond
Mild venom but with his condition, it could be more danger-
ous. We ve got to get him to hospital now.
Where and does it have a helipad?
Grossmont and yes, they do.
Cautiously, they lifted Brock into the helicopter, the pilot fly-
ing immediately. He radioed to the trauma center advising them
what they had and the approximate flight time.
Hold on, friend. We re getting you&
She s fine but under sedation.
Need& her& Brock managed. Need& to& say& good-
* * * *
Brock Sanders barely heard the sound of an approaching heli-
copter. The way he felt, anything new in his life made no differ-
ence. Pain overwhelmed him and he felt the stinging sensation at
the point where the snake bit him. As if I don t have enough prob-
He felt his head being cradled in someone s arms though not
his wife s and then Trevor s voice. Thank God someone s found me&
My God, what the hell did they do to you?
Brock begged for help and tried to tell his friend about the
snakebite. He heard Trevor yelling for a doctor hoping he d
brought Hyun with him. It took a lot for him to trust doctors and
this one he did without question.
Moments later, he heard Trevor discussing the bite with Doc-
tor Dustin Hyun. What a relief&
Hold on, friend. We re getting you&
She s fine and under sedation.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
Need& her& Brock said slowly, one pain-filled syllable at a
time. Need& to& say& .good-bye&
Darkness overtook his world. The heat he d basked in at what
he took to be late morning or early afternoon had been replaced by
deathly cold. He d heard testimony from numerous expert wit-
nesses about the phenomenon but only now could he fully under-
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