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of delicate health, constant pain increased his mental anguish and sympathy
was born of suffering; he was no longer indifferent to the tortures of vic-
tims of the Holy Office. Being by nature a zealot and enthusiast in what-
ever direction his energies were exerted, the pendulum soon swung to the
other extreme, Paul-like, he fought to protect whom he had previously perse-
cuted, he incurred the enmity of the Holy Office, and finally, broken in
body, but dauntless of spirit he fell a victim to the torture to which he
had subjected so many.
By the sincerity of his nature, and his later life he earned the right of
admission to a Mystery School and prepared for the privilege of working as
an Invisible Helper in future lives. The Law of Association drew him to
birth in an American family who were former friends, and from them he re-
ceived a nervous organization tuned to the high pitch required for his expe-
Saturn opposes the life-giving Sun, suppresses the nervous energy of Mer-
cury, and obstructs the Venus (venous) circulation, by hindering secretion
of urine and elimination of poisonous matter through the kidneys which are
ruled by Libra, the sign of Saturn's exaltation where he is placed in this
natal figure. As the planets which he opposes are placed in Aries, ruler of
the head, his disordering influence manifests through the brain and mind, as
well as the genito-urinary system. The morbid condition of these parts
caused by Saturn's repressive influence on the kidneys is further accentu-
ated by Uranus conjunction the Moon in the Sixth House which indicates the
health, under the sign ruling the generative organs, Scorpio. As the horo-
scope shows tendencies resulting from our actions in past lives, it is
evident that the self-abuse of this person must bring him to birth under a
stellar ray affecting the health in that particular manner, for when the
soul has been overcome by any particular besetting sin in any life, death
does not pay all any more than removal to another city pays our debts in our
present abode. When we return, temptation will again confront us until we
conquer our weakness. It is the task of this poor soul to extract the
essence of virtue and chastity from the burning embers of passion and secret
vice. May God help him and strengthen his arm in the terrible combat. Only
Astrology, the Master Key of Compassion, can adequately reveal to us the
struggle and anguish of the soul, and save us from the crime of despising
one in conditions of depravity.
The before-mentioned aspects were from Cardinal and Fixed signs, which
indicate that which is almost unalterable destiny. But Neptune on the As-
cendant, in a Common sign, Gemini, points to a condition in the making. He
is trine to Saturn, the afflicter of the mind, and supported by the dynamic
energy of Mars.
Neptune indicates the invisible spiritual hierarchies which work with and
upon us, and when placed in the Twelfth House it is evident that sorrow and
distress may be expected from them. This position renders the person liable
to be preyed upon by spirit controls, but the trine to Saturn and the
sextile to the Sun, Venus and Mercury protect him against influence from
outside sources. Thus he became a prey to the demoniac embodiment of his
former actions, the terrible creature known to mystics as "Guardian of the
Threshold," which the neophyte must pass ere he can enter consciously into
the Invisible World. This dreadful shape had drawn its being from acts of
cruelty committed by the man in his bygone life; it has fed upon the curses
of his tortured victims, and gorged itself upon the odor of their blood and
perspiration, as is the wont of elementals; it was a monster in every sense
of the word. earth of its progenitor rendered it latent, but in the new
birth figure time was marked for retribution upon the clock of destiny.
When the Moon by progression reached Mars' natal place in the Twelfth House,
his dynamic energy galvinized the monster into new life, and the troubles of
the poor lad had commenced. The hate, anger and malice stored in the mon-
ster radiated back upon him pang for pang and his negative Gemini nature
crumpled under the onslaughts of the demon. When we saw the thing it ap-
peared as a shapeless jellylike mass with many large greenish eyes imbedded
at different parts of its body. Every few seconds a sharp pointed, sword-
like projection shot out from the most unexpected places in its body and
pierced the poor lad who lay cringing upon his bed. Then, although the mon-
ster had no mouth, wherewith to laugh, it seemed convulsed with fiendish
glee at the fear and pain it had given. At other times, one or another of
the eyes seemed to dart from the monster, projected upon what resembled an
elephant's trunk and it would halt within an inch of the victim's eyes, gaz-
ing into them with a compelling power of awesome intensity.
There being so many good aspects to help him, it is not likely that he
will succumb, and when the Sun reaches conjunction of Jupiter's place in the
natal figure and the Moon has passed the square to the Sun's natal place, a
distinct turn for the better may be looked for. In the meanwhile the poor
soul must struggle alone with its self-made demon. Had not the secret habit
sapped vitality in the former life, birth under a stronger sign would have
given greater power of physical endurance and rendered victory more certain.
This malady is due to rays from certain nebulous parts of the Zodiac; the
Pleiades in Taurus 29, the Ascelli in Leo 6, and Antares in Sagittarius 8.
When the Sun or Moon is in orb of one of these places, and afflicted by Sat-
urn, Mars or Uranus, or vice versa, when Saturn, Uranus or Mars is in these
nebulous parts afflicting the Sun or Moon, trouble is indicated, but if care
is taken in the case of children having this tendency to disease it may be
greatly modified or entirely avoided. The light in schoolrooms calls for
attention on general principles, but where a child has incipient eye trouble
the parent ought to request proper placement of the child in a modified
light; reading by lamplight or in the dusk should not be permitted, and win-
dow shades in the home ought to be of a soothing color. With civilization
and life in cities the eyes have become habituated to short focus and cannot
quickly adjust themselves to variation of range as can those of sailors and
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