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has now been deleted from the Daily Express archives.
The owner of the Daily Express? Richard Desmond, a
Jewish pornographer.
Information collected by the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) in its spy operations on United States citizens is
used by the House Select Committee on Un-American
Activities. Subcommittee Chair, Clare Hoffman,
dismisses the ADL's reports on suspected communists
as "hearsay."
In October, Ashkenazi Jew, Albert Einstein, writes an
open letter to the United Nations encouraging all
national governments to be destroyed to make way for
a one-world government to be run by the UN.
In his diary of July 21st, President Harry S. Truman
makes the following entry,
"The Jews have no sense of proportion, nor do
they have any judgement on world affairs. The
Jews, I find, are very, very selfish. They care
not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns,
Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or
mistreated as (post war) Displaced Persons as
long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet
when they have power - physical, financial or
political -neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything
on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the
1948: In the spring of this year, the Rothschilds' bribe
President Harry S. Truman (33 rd President of the
United States 1945 - 1953) to recognise Israel as a
sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him
on his campaign train.
At midnight on May 14th, the State of Israel is
officially, "proclaimed," in Tel Aviv. Eleven minutes
later President Truman declares the United States as the
first foreign nation to recognise it.
Truman later confides to friends that he wanted to
recognize the Jewish state in the, "first hour of its
birth," yet when pressed by journalists on this subject,
he refuses to discuss his pro-Jewish stance any further.
The Flag of Israel is unveiled. The emblem on the flag
is a blue coloured version of the Rothschild, "Red
Hexagram." It has a blue border at the top and the
bottom which represents the Nile and Euphrates rivers.
This is put there to make the Jewish territorial
ambitions very clear, an Israel in accordance with its
biblical borders. This would of course mean the
inclusion into Israel of: Iraq; Syria; Jordan; Lebanon;
and parts of Saudi Arabia.
This use of the Rothschild Hexagram is disguised as it
is referred to in the Rothschild media as a, "Star Of
David." However, it is clear to anyone with knowledge
of esoteric symbolism that this Hexagram was used in
the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of,
"Molech," (described as a demon of unwilling sacrifice
and is also interestingly the name of the stone owl, the
elite worship at Bohemian Grove), and, "Astaroth,"
(described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell). Due to the
fact it is made up of six lines, has six triangular sectors
and six points, it is commonly regarded as a symbol of
Interestingly, the Hexagram is also used to represent
Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name
for, "Satan." Would this not indicate that anyone killed
in the name of Israel is actually a
sacrifice to their God, Satan? Furthermore, the Jewish
Sabbath is on Saturday, which was originally known as
Saturn's Day.
So, to recap, the hexagram on the Israeli flag represents
the number of the beast 666, it is an ancient
representation of Satan, also known as Saturn, and the
Jewish weekly religious day is Saturn's Day.
In the early hours of April 19th, 132 Jewish terrorists
from the Irgun gang, led by future Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin, and the Stem gang, led by
future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, brutally
massacre 200 men, women and children as they are
sleeping peacefully in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
In an effort to prevent outside observers discovering the
brutality of their war crimes, they try to burn some of
the bodies, but when that proves unsatisfactory, they
stuff some in a well to hide them from the Red Cross
representatives who arrive on the scene the next day
and would subsequently tell the world.
Indeed reports from survivors can be found in the,
"Report of the Criminal Investigation Division," a
Palestine Government Document labelled, No.
179/110/17/GS dated April 13th, 15th, and 16th, 1948,
in which British interrogating officer, Assistant
Inspector General Richard Catling states,
"The recording of statements is hampered also
by the hysterical state of the women who often
break down many times, whilst the statement
is being recorded. There is however, no doubt
that many sexual atrocities were committed by
the attacking Jews. Many young school girls
were raped and later slaughtered. Old women
were also molested.
One story is current concerning a case in
which a young girl was literally torn in two.
Many infants were butchered and killed.
I also saw one old woman who gave her age as
104, who had been severely beaten about the
head with rifle butts. Women had bracelets
torn from their arms and rings from their
fingers, and parts of some women's ears were
severed in order to remove earrings."
As a result of this the Jews go on to detest the Red
Cross, which is why, in the future, they always block
them entering any territory in which they are involved
in conflict, for as long as possible, to give them time to
clean up evidence of their criminal acts.
Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine to an
independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state
on May 15th, the Israelis launch another military
assault on the Arabs (today known as
Palestinians) with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks
informing the Arabs that if they do not flee
immediately, they will be slaughtered.
800,000 Arabs with the recent memory of the Deir
Yassin massacre at the forefront of their minds, flee in
panic. They ask for help from neighbouring Arab states,
but those states do not get involved as they are no
match for the Israelis whose up to date military
hardware had been supplied by the Jewish Stalinist
regime in Russia.
Following this series of Jewish genocidal war crimes,
the Jews now control 78% of the former Palestine as
oppose to the 57% that had already been given to them
illegally by the Jewish controlled United Nations.
The Arabs, many of them Christians, would never be
paid compensation for their homes, property and
businesses stolen from them during this genocide, and
as a result these people end up in slum refugee cities of
tents. Furthermore at least half of the Arabs, in a
desperate hurry to flee with their lives, leave their birth
certificates behind. The State of Israel then pass a law
that only those Arabs who are able to prove their
citizenship are allowed to return to their land, now
known as Israel, which meant these 400,000 Arabs
could not return and lost all the property they had left
Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, one of the father
founders of Israel and its first Prime Minister, candidly
describes Jewish aims in his diary entry of May 21st as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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