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and even more rarely germanium transistors of either uncommon. These indicate 1% tolerance parts,
polarity. The biggest exception to that is of course, sometimes rated for temperature variation. You won't
the Fuzz Face, which is made from PNP germanium need to deal with these. Five percent tolerance parts are
transistors. fine for effects - and MUCH cheaper.
Other types you may run into are Field Effect Transistors Reading Schematics
or FETs. These work by having the voltage on one pin It would be difficult and tiresome to make detailed
control the amount of current flowing through the other artistic drawings of circuits to show how to reproduce
two. FETs are available in N-channel and P-channel them; in addition, such drawings would contain a lot of
varieties, analogous to the NPN and PNP bipolars. These details about things that don't matter to how the circuit
will occur sparingly in effects. There are also MOSFETS, works. Engineers have developed a stylized way of
FETs made with Metal Oxide Semiconductors, and drawing just the things that matter about a circuit the
Power MOSFETs or just Power FETS. These don't occur schematic diagram. The schematic shows components
very often in effects. not in any physical arrangement, but how they are
connected electronically.
Transistors are polarized, and also have many different
arrangements of the three terminals, so you have to check Below are some sketches of schematic diagram symbols
the pinout diagram for the actual ones you have to be and the packages they represent that you might find.
sure to install them correctly.
Integratcd Circuits - IC's are the special purpose stars of
electronics. IC's contain inside them transistors,
resistors, capacitors, even inductors. They are special
purpose, in that they contain a whole circuit that does
some function. IC's arc polarized, and the package will
have a notch or dimple indicating which end is which.
Color Codes
Resistors are color coded for value, rather than having
the values printed on them. The key to the color code is
that the first two color bands represent the numbers in
the value, and the third band represents the multiplier, or
number of zeros to add after the numbers. The code is
Black 1 so a [brown-black-
red] resistor is I K, a
Brown 2 [yellow-violet-
orange] resistor is 47K,
Red 3 [red- red- green I is
Orange 4 and so on.
Yellow 5
Green 6
Blue 7
Violet 8
Gray 9
White 0 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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