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If he applied for the job and Kazaran remembered him& hell, he'd have a shot. More than.
Eli hesitated in a juncture of hallways, one that could lead him back to the floor, one that could
take him to an elevator down to the hospital library where he could do some more research,
maybe fire off an e-mail to Kazaran.
Just to see if he would be considered good enough. That was all Eli wanted.
What could it hurt? Eli made the decision and headed library-ward, remembering a mo-
ment too late that he'd left Zane's breakfast behind to be seized upon by the ravening hordes.
* * * * *
Eli should have known better. After the brief lull of the early morning, the hospital piled it
on in spades as payback. The five minutes he'd had to shoot a hasty e-mail Dr. Kazaran's
way were the last he had to himself for most of the day. Four p.m. found him with a lunch of a
power bar mostly a faded memory, a dangerous imbalance of blood in his caffeine stream,
and a hell of a headache from losing a couple of hit-and-run victims.
In other words, not in the best frame of mind to tackle anything personal.
Still, the sight of Zane propped up against the wall beside an elevator, mostly asleep on
his feet, made him brighten and turned his day a little better.
 There you are.
As romantic greetings went Eli could have done better, but it was the thought that coun-
ted. Zane got that. His sleepy gray eyes popped open, and though bloodshot, they showed an
immediate pleasure at seeing Eli.
He reached for Eli, though, and God help him, Eli didn't get a chance to think before his
body stepped back for him out of reach.
Pleasure gave immediate way to irritation.  I have leprosy now? Thanks.
Fuck.  I'm sorry. Eli knew that wouldn't count for much. He tried to ease back in, finding
his comfortable space, the one he'd been accustomed to back when everyone only thought
they were schtupping each other instead of knocking boots in truth.
Zane didn't seem appeased. Rather he was on edge, and it looked like Eli had jarred
loose a day's worth of building irritation.
 I'm trying, Eli said, keeping it low.  You've got to give me time here.
Zane snorted, then sighed.  Right. As you wish.
Eli detected a note of sarcasm there but let it pass. Clearly treading lightly was the way to
go. Problem there happened to be that Eli hadn't had such a marvelous day himself, and his
own nerves were frayed.  Fuck it, Zane, I said I'm trying. What do you want from me?
 What do I  Zane snapped his mouth shut.  This isn't the place.
 My original point. The doctor and the friend in Eli assessed Zane's state of weariness
that aggravated the man's temper and didn't like what they saw.  You've been running your-
self ragged all day, haven't you? He took a chance and laid his hand on Zane's arm, very
close to the hand though not too close and whispered,  I missed you this morning.
See? Trying.
Zane seemed to sense that. He relaxed a fraction. Unhappiness of a different sort re-
placed aggravation.  Yeah, for all the good it did me.
Damn it.  No luck with the possible donor?
 Nope. Apparently they've thrown in with PETA. Did you know that meat is murder and
baby fish are actually better known as sea kittens?
 They believe what they believe. Since when do you scoff at personal credos?
 Since they'd rather drop half a mil on protest vigilantes than health care for people who
have no fucking insurance, that's since when. Get off of me. The elevator dinged.
 Christ, Zane. Eli caught him again, truly worried now.  You keep losing your cool like this
and you're going to rupture something.
Zane ground his teeth audibly, counted to ten under his breath, but at least he was trying.
 Look. I've had a day of amazing shittiness. Then I see you, and frankly, I want to hug you.
Hell, I'd like to kiss you. Just a peck, even, to remind me that there is more to life than fighting
a losing battle against administration.
 Zane, keep your voice down. Eli's temper was faring no better at this point.  Look at me.
You think my day's been any more of a treat? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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