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unbelievable to a biologist. And yet there are several cases on record in which similar accounts are
associated with traces that can hardly be questioned.
In the celebrated incident at Socorro, New Mexico, it was a policeman, Lonnie Zamora, who
reported seeing two small beings, dressed in white, close to a shiny egg-shaped object, which rested
on four pads before it took off with a thunderous noise, only to become perfectly silent as it flew
away. The incident took place on April 24, 1964, and was the occasion for some interesting
measurements (by local police officials and a Federal Bureau of Investigation man) of the traces left
by the object. Here again we observe an emotional pattern strangely reminiscent of the medieval
scene just surveyed: the witness in the Socorro case, when he was about to be interviewed by Air
Force investigators, was so little convinced that he had observed a device of human construction
that he asked to see a priest before releasing his report to the authorities.
Another case hard to discount is the report of the Kentucky family who claimed to have been
besieged by several "little men," whose appearance was completely fantastic. The incident occurred
on the night of April 21, 1955, and was the occasion of many strange observations of the behavior
of the "visitors." One of the creatures was seen approaching the farmhouse with both hands raised.
When it was about twenty feet away, two of the witnesses shot at the intruder. It "did a flip" and was
lost in the darkness. Then it appeared at the window when the man came back inside the house and
was again shot at. Another creature, seen on the roof, was knocked over by a bullet, but instead of
falling, it floated to the ground.
The entities had oversized heads, almost perfectly round, and very long arms, terminating in huge
hands armed with talons. They wore a sort of glowing aluminium suit, which is reminiscent of the
sylphs of 1491. Their eyes were very large and apparently very sensitive. They always approached
the house from the darkest corner. The eyes had no pupils and no eyelids. They were much larger
than human eyes and set on the side of the head. The creatures generally walked upright, but when
shot at, they would run on all fours with extreme rapidity, and their arms seemed to provide most of
the propulsion.
On September 10, 1954, in Quarouble, a small French village near the Belgian border, at about
10:30 P.M., Marius Dewilde stepped outside and was at once intrigued by a dark mass on the
railroad tracks. Dewilde then heard footsteps. Turning on his light, he found himself facing two
beings wearing very large helmets and what seemed to be heavy diving suits. They had broad
shoulders, but Dewilde did not see their arms. They were less than four feet tall. Dewilde moved
toward them with the intention of intercepting them, but a light appeared on the side of the dark
object on the tracks, and he found he could not move. When he regained control of his body, the
two visitors had entered the supposed machine and flown away.
This classic observation had a strange sequel, never before published. French civilian investigators
who studied the case were cooperating closely with local police officials, but there were other
people on the site, notably representatives of the Air Police from Paris. When an inquiry was made
regarding some stones found calcined, or white hot, at the spot where the saucer had been seen by
Dewilde, it was discovered that even the police could not obtain information as to the results of the
analyses. In the words of the local police chief:
The official body working in liason with the Air Police belongs to the Ministry of National
Defense. The very name of this Ministry excludes the idea of any communication.
On November 19, 1954, the police confirmed that Dewilde had made a second report concerning an
observation of an object "in the vicinity of his home." However, the police said,
Dewilde and his family have decided, for fear of adverse publicity, to take no one in their
confidence regarding this second occurrence. Therefore you will find no mention of it in
local newspapers.
Furthermore, civilian investigators were told politely but in no uncertain terms that any further
information on such incidents would be kept confidential by the police.
Reports continued, however, and some of them would have delighted Paracelsus. On October 14,
1954, a miner named Starovski claimed to have met, on a country road near Erchin (also in the
north of France), a strange being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes and a fur-
covered body. The midget, less than four feet tall, had a large head and wore a brown skullcap,
which formed a fillet a few inches above the eyes. The eyes protruded, with very small irises; the
nose was flat; the lips were thick and red. A minor detail: the witness did not claim he had seen the
creature emerge from a flying saucer or reenter it. He just happened to meet the strange being, who
did not wear any kind of respiratory device. Before he could think of stopping him, the creature had
Six days later, on October 20, 1954, in Parravici d'Erba, near Como, Italy, a man had just put his car
in the garage when he saw a strange being, covered with a luminous suit, about four feet tall,
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