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wide surveillance pattern
-- one on a Forest Service road to the east and the other two spaced along the
actual road to the farm. They were instructed to approach no closer than two
"Two miles?"
"Correct, and they were told to stay in their cars."
"But two miles --"
"When we're fairly certain of what we're doing and what we're up against, we
don't mind taking risks," Gammel said. "But this case appears to be nothing
but uncertainties." He spoke in a level voice, trying to hold his temper.
Merrivale's carping was becoming insufferable. Didn't he realize he might be
wearing Gammel's own handcuffs before another twenty-four hours was out? They
might have to arrest Merrivale just to save the FBI's neck. What did this
bastard expect?
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"But two --"
"You've lost how many people in there?" Gammel demanded, not trying to hide
his anger now.
"Twelve? Fourteen? I'm told there were nine people in that team you sent in
today and you lost at least one team before that. Do you take us for morons?"
"Fourteen, counting Dzule Peruge," Merrivale said. "Your ability to count is
unimpaired." In the dim green light of the dash, he noted a muscle working
along Gammel's jaw and the tense-knuckled way the man gripped the wheel as he
"So we have one certainly dead, thirteen missing, and our own planeload down
in the Sisters; that's twenty in all. You dare ask me why I haven't sent my
people in there after yours? If I had my way, we'd have a regiment of marines
on hand and we'd be doing just that, but I don't have my way.
Why don't I have my way? Because this whole thing smells of a lash-up by your
people! And if it explodes, we're not going to get burned in the blast. Is
that clear enough for you? Is that open enough?"
"Bloody pack of cowards," Merrivale muttered.
Gammel suddenly swerved the car off the road onto the parking strip, skidded
to a stop in gravel, set the hand brake with an angry rasping of its latch,
and turned off the lights and the motor. He whirled on the seat to face
Merrivale. "Look, you! I understand the hot seat you're on; at least, I
have a good idea of the bind you're in. But my agency has not been in this
from the first, although it should have been! Now, if that turns out to be a
nest of commies up there, we'll mop it up and have all the help we need. If
it turns out to be an arm of a major industry in this country trying to
protect a new invention from the vultures you represent, that is an entirely
different ball game."
"What do you mean - industry -- new invention?"
"You know goddamned well what I mean! We didn't sit around on our asses
accepting you people as our only source of information."
If they have the whole story, why're they still helping us? Merrivale
As though he'd heard the question, Gammel said, "Our position in this is to
try to keep the shit from hitting the fan. You rub dirt on your outfit and
you rub dirt on the whole government. Now, if you've been sent out here as a
patsy, I can sympathize. But there's no sense in our fighting each other. If
this thing's ready to blow and you're here to take the rap, you'd better level
with me right now. Are you?"
Taken aback by Gammel's sudden stop and attack, Merrivale sputtered a moment;
then, "Now, see here! If you --"
"Are you here to take the rap?"
"Of course not!"
"Bullshit!" Gammel shook his head. "You think we don't have our own
suspicions about why your boss took the short road to hell?"
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"The short road to --"
"Jumped out of that goddamned window! Are you their patsy?"
"I was sent here with the understanding that you would provide full
cooperation until we could field new teams," Merrivale said, speaking stiffly.
"I don't find your present attitude cooperative in the least."
Still not mollified, Gammel said, "Tell me -- yes or no -- do you have new
information that dramatically alters your original assessment?"
"Of course not!"
"Nothing new to tell me?"
"I will not be cross-examined by you," Merrivale protested. "You know as much
about this situation as I do. More! You've at least been on the scene."
"I hope you're telling the truth," Gammel said. "If you aren't, I personally
will supervise whatever action we have to take to fry you." He turned, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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