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5. Spray or wipe surface with the AHP Solution  wait 5 minutes. Wipe dry with disposable paper towel. Discard
paper towel as above.
6. Remove gloves and dispose in plastic-lined waste receptacle.
7. WASH hands.
Cleaning and Disinfection Protocol for
Pediatric Incubators
Disposal of Infectious Material
All cleaning cloths gloves and handled tools used for the decontamination of a suspected Avian Flu virus case must be
placed in a clearly marked plastic lined waste receptacle. Decontaminate all wastes before disposal; steam sterilization,
chemical disinfection and or incineration.
Instructions for Confirmatory Testing of 7% AHP Concentrate Surface Disinfectants
The Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide Test Strip (Part No. AHP500) can be used for confirmatory testing when required
by facility protocol. These strips are easy to use dip-and-read reagents strips for a pass or fail determination of the
hydrogen peroxide concentration in the 7% AHP Concentrate Surface Disinfectant solution.
1. Remove a test strip and immediately close the container.
2. Dip the test strip into the Diluted AHP solution to be tested for 1-second ensuring that the reaction zone is
completely wetted.
3. Remove the test strip and shake of excess liquid.
4. Wait for 120-seconds then compare the reaction zone with the colour scale.
NOTE: The purpose of confirmatory testing is not to extend the shelf life beyond the 30-day claim. Should the test strip
show that the Diluted AHP Solution still meets the targeted level of hydrogen peroxide after 30 days the product
MUST still be disposed to ensure compliance with testing and label claims.
Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee, Best Practices for Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization in All
Healthcare Settings, 2006
Public Health Agency of Canada, Infection Control Guidelines for Hand Washing, Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization
in Healthcare, Volume 24S8, 1998 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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