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half a chance.
He leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Louis s mouth.  Thank you. For
A slow smile curved Louis s lips.  Thank you too. His eyes grew suddenly
serious.  And I want you to know I won t let this change anything. I m here for
Liam and Cara first and foremost, whatever might happen between us.
Dan believed him, but couldn t help the niggling voice of worry that
pestered at him. Happiness couldn t be this easy. Trouble must somehow follow.
It was just a matter of time.
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Chapter Twelve
He d done it again, the exact thing he d sworn not to do on this new job,
allowed sex and work to get all mixed up together, and now Louis wasn t sure
where he stood in the Krefman household. Was he just the nanny, or was he
Dan s lover? And if he stopped being one, could he still be the other?
Over the years, sex had helped him get out of tight spots or improved his
position in the workplace. When he was younger, he hadn t really considered
how he d used his sexuality. Nobody got hurt. Now, for the first time, Louis was
concerned. He wished he d met Dan in some other way and earned his affection
free and clear of any other obligation. But, things were what they were. He was
already deeply involved and feeling things for Dan he d never meant to.
 Daydreaming, Louis? Crissi startled him from his brooding.
 Yeah. I guess so. Louis resumed cutting crusts off Liam s sandwich as he
glanced across the kitchen at Crissi, who was pouring iced tea.
 Something or someone? Her smile dazzled. She was a national icon for
good reason. That smile could light up the screen in a dark theater.  You re
acting like you ve got a crush on someone.
He shrugged.  Could be. Not sure yet. Let s talk about your trip. Are you
ready to go? Any last-minute instructions for me?
She sighed, and the smile extinguished.  I ve never been apart from the kids
for an entire month. I m still considering whether it s worse for them to be
separated from me for that long or to go through the upheaval of traveling
The Au Pair Affair
 Uzbekistan is a long way, Louis agreed, knowing Crissi had already made
her decision but needed to voice her doubts.
 And a dangerous country, or parts of it anyway. I know I m crazy to even
think about having you bring them. Dan wouldn t agree to it anyway. But I m
going to miss them so much. She set the spoon on the counter and watched the
wedge of lemon swirl around her glass.  But no matter what s happening with
the shoot, I m flying back for Cara s birthday. That s a given.
 We ll video chat every day. It ll pass in no time, Louis reassured her.  And
don t worry about Cara s birthday. Dan and I will pull it off.
 You will, anyway. I trust you not to forget any details. She set the glass on
the counter.  I have to admit, Dan s horse-ranch idea is good. So is your idea to
keep it simple with only a few guests. Can you believe Cara wants to invite Beth
and Brianna now?
Louis chuckled.  I ll wait till closer to the party to finalize the invite list.
Those girls could be back to being her enemies instead of new best friends.
 No doubt. Well, I d better go work on my packing. Crissi started to walk
out of the kitchen, then stopped by Louis and gave him a swift hug.  I m so
grateful we found you. You re the best thing that s happened to our family in a
Warmth at her appreciation warred with guilt. If you only knew.
What if she did? Would Crissi be upset at the growing relationship between
her ex and Louis? Would she still think of Louis as a friend or want him out of
her children s lives? He couldn t imagine her being so petty. It wasn t his fault, or
Dan s, that they were attracted to each another. But learning about the affair
would probably hurt Crissi, maybe not the act so much as them keeping it a
secret from her.
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Bonnie Dee
Louis withdrew from her arms with a weak smile.  Don t worry.
Everything s going to be fine, and you ll be home before you know it.
Meanwhile, he d have the kids and Dan to himself for an entire month. A lot
could happen in that time. Maybe by the end of it, Dan would be ready to bring
their relationship out into the open. A guy could hope.
 Is it weird for you, moving back in here? Louis leaned against the
doorframe of the master bedroom and watched Dan unpack some of his things
into a dresser drawer. Louis imagined Dan and Crissi sharing this bedroom
before he d moved out and felt a little stab of jealousy. He could never compete
with their history together.
 Not really. This doesn t feel like home anymore. Staying here while Crissi is
out of town is just a convenience for the kids. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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